The most incredible TRUE natural spring that we’ve found in Ontario, so far. Beautiful surroundings, very low TDS, cold, clean and great tasting. It’s high state of vitality is seen in it’s shimmering energetic violet-bluish colour. The water sample I took shows ZERO on both Total Coliform & E. Coli. This magical water is exactly what we should be putting into our bodies.
Nearest Address
538 Rochester Lake Rd.
Directions from Nearest Address
This spring is located behind some trees, with no markers and is NOT visible from the road, so please follow these directions very carefully. The nearest address will get you within 100 feet of the spring. From here, stay on the same side of the road as 538 ( west side ) and start working your way back towards Kearney ( north ) to the wooded area. There you will see a small foot trail & the spring is located about 30 feet inside the trees.
It’s still in operation and popular. I was last there a few months ago and there were a couple others there filling up. I know some people that drink it exclusively and they’re still alive 🙂
Most GPS/apps won’t lead you to the right spot. But there is now a driveway immediately across from the spring, just park across from the driveway labelled 549 and you’re right there. There’s a bit of an extended shoulder on the road by the spring to park safely.
Went out there this past weekend and was welcomed with a bunch of ice on the hill. This early in the season, I would recommend bringing a bit of sand! I AM a bit skiddish as I broke my ankle last year, but let’s stay safe out there!
A big shout out to the 2 different gentlemen that helped me bring up my water bottles. I’m not sure how long it would have taken me without their help! I love this water community!
I’ve been toying around with a house water filtration system and had the water man check the Kearney Springs (magic) water while he was at our house. I’ve linked the picture of both the magic water (left) and my tap water (right). Of course, the tint is the chemicals he adds in to draw out the gunk, but he said that he’s never seen a natural source as “stellar” as this one.
Let me know if any of your crazy kids think it would be worth it to open a facebook page dedicated to this spring. There are A LOT of us that travel from the GTA and it would be neat to have a resource or potential car pool buddies.
Went to the spring today which is 190 km from us. We thought that we’ll be alone in this weather. No way. 3 cars came to refill while we were filling up our 200 liters. They said that it is always busy there and it’s a very popular place. We love this water. I can submit a photo but not sure how.
Do you guys boil this water? I’ve been drinking it for about 2 years and do not boil it, unless making tea/cooking with it. Everything seems fine. I’m just always concerned with contamination. How often should a water source be tested? Is it possible for the water conditions to fluctuate regularly?
Hi Folks, I live in Bolton, Ontario. And thinking of making a trip to fill up on water. Is the spring accessible in the winter? Does it ice up, do I need to bring an ax with me? 🙂
Yes it is accessible in winter. No it won’t ice up no matter how cold it gets. Don’t get to close to the edge of the road, I git stuck last winter. slight sulphur smell, no worries its safe. Just keep the containers open for a bit before closing or keep in glass for a few minutes before drinking.
No, I don’t think a tds of 350 is unsafe. Look at tap water, I believe its much higher than that.
I won’t be going up this summer. its too hard to keep water in warm temps.
i assume that the fluoride in this water is calcium fluoride. Another thing to not is that the lab report has it at less than 0.05mg/l. So it could be 0.02 or not even there at all.
sodium fluoride or silicofluorides, are industrial products never found in natural water or in organisms. They are, furthermore, notoriously toxic, sufficiently so to be used as rat poison or insecticide. Calcium fluoride, on the other hand, which is the form commonly found in natural waters, is not toxic enough for such uses." — Dr. C. G. Dobbs, (Ph.D., A.R.C.S.) Bangor, Wales, England.
I’m in Woodbridge. I’m not sure if i’ll be going anytime soon, because i still have about 3 or 4 weeks or so worth of water.. Right now i’m keeping it in my cellar and garage, but heading into spring its going to be harder to keep cold. Its uncertain if i will be heading back this spring, but for sure fall and winters. I will let you know via this website whether or not i’m heading out this spring.
O.k so i had the analysis done and this what i got:
Zero E.coli, Zero total Coliform.Lead, arsenic,mercury, iron.. all very low, well below ODWS standards. In fact it crushes them. Slight Sulphur smell at spring but the test results indicate extremely low levels. Again meeting ODWS. I did not have the water tested for cyanide, although i wanted to, i wasn’t informed that it was not included with the test- why i don’t know. I thought i had everything covered. I had it tested for almost everything, sodium, fluoride, uranium, calcium… name it. But not cyanide. I’ve been drinking it for 2.5 weeks without problems. Its damn clean. I did my part, now pass it forward…..not pay it, pass it! If anyone has questions, please feel free to post them here and i will definitely try to answer. Enjoy
I was at the spring several days ago, and i smell sulfur, although the odour wasn’t strong. Very clear, but has an astringent effect on the mouth and a tad bitter. My guess its the sulfur. Sulfur can have this effect. I’m in the process of doing a complete analysis…..and i do mean complete. I’m still drinking it, but still notice the faint smell of sulfur in my carboys when first opened.
my guess is that some people with ill intentions are spreading propaganda about the safety of this spring and all others. I think this water is safe now and always was.
Hi Razz,
I regularly get my water from the belfountain spring but i never boil it, if you do that then you will just eliminate all the good minerals.
Why are you driving from up to Kearney?
Do you guys boil this water? I’ve been drinking it without boiling it. I don’t know if my body is not used to it, but stomach feels little different when drinking it. Does ones body/stomach need to get use to it or should it be boiled before drinking?
Hi Razz,
I regularly get my water from the belfountain spring but i never boil it, if you do that then you will just eliminate all the good minerals.
Why are you driving from up to Kearney?
I would love to carpool with someone to get some water from this spring. I normally get from the belfountain spring but this one seems way better. I am in Brampton.
Just got water from there yesterday. Saw the sign also regarding 0/0 results. ButtBut the post above makes me wonder regarding contaminating. Wish there was a results post feature for the springs here. Perhaps onto google docs. Guess there is no sure way to know if the water is safe. Been drinking it for a day so far.
I have been visiting this spring for over a year, but when I went yesterday, the water is now cloudy 🙁
I will test through Public Health for eColi and Coliforms, however I suspect the contamination is from road runoff (chemical). I am accepting donations towards a full analysis with C.O.A.L (cost is $141, goal is to raise 50% ). if you love this spring as much as I do, please help me out and send a small donation to
I will post results on this site and post a new sign at the spring site.
Heard about this spring while watching the video for the Puslinch spring, searched it up and we were very pleased to see it is right smack on the route to our cottage! Well lucky for us, we were going to our cottage this week, so we stopped along the way with three 5 gallon aquapacks.
Like others have already said, the water is outstanding. Simply put, it’s amazing. It’s as good as Fiji water (my favourite bottled water) if not better. Our aunt didn’t quite understand why we had brought it to the cottage, and we caught her using it as dish water!! No! So we made another stop on our way home to replenish the wasted water. She also told us that her friend lives literally around the corner and she’s always wondered why the towns water tasted so pure, must be on the same aquifer. Looking forward to stopping at this spring again next time we head up! Refreshing!
I know this is 8y later, but for anyone else, yes, accessible year round. And I’ve never seen the pipe run dry for decades. The short path down can be icy, so be very careful there. The exact spot to stop and park can be a bit complicated. When I find go in rough weather, I’ll usually leave the car running because I don’t want to risk it not starting up again!
This water is amazing! We just went there to get 140 liters for the winter for my mom who is fighting cancer. She has been drinking it since July after her chemo treatments. It is hard to say if it really helps her to fight cancer, but doctors are very pleased with the result after 3 chemos. So maybe it is a good combination of traditional treatment with treatment by mother Nature. I strongly recommend this water to everyone.
I LOVE THIS SPRING and regularly drive 3 hours from Toronto to collect it. The GPS address is 604 Rochester Lake Road, Perry ON. I just tested this water with C.O.A.L. and the test came back 0 Coliform and 0 E.Coli. I LOVE THIS WATER!!!!
I just filled up at least 42 L of water from the spring today, it tastes wonderful and ive seen 2 people come and go to fill up while i was there. If one is planning to go during summer i highly recommend some bug protecting clothing like mesh hats and cover all skin cuz they definitely do control the area like Mark Said lol. Im not sure about the most recent testing but a local said it was perfect and they use it as there primary source 🙂
I was at a cottage a week ago and we made a trip up to collect some of this water. Needless to say it was the best water I’ve ever had and I will be returning in the future to collect as much of it as possible. I’m envious of the people right next door who can walk to collect this water if they wanted, what an amazing feeling that must be.
If you plan on spending some time there I strongly suggest bringing some sort of insect repellent (DEET free of course) because the mosquitoes are firmly in control of the area hahaha.
I was just there a week ago and the mosquitos are certainly in control. The water was fantastic. I have never had such spectacular water. Unfortunetely it is so far away 🙁
I’m planning on making a detour to this spring in the next few weeks on my way to Toronto from Sudbury. I usually go by Hwy 69/ 400 but I think if I turn off in Parry Sound or a little past Parry Sound and head for Hwy 11 it shouldn’t be too much of a detour but what i’m wondering is if its in a very desolate area. Does anyone know if there are a lot of homes nearby, what about cell phone signal if i get lost? I’d appreciate any information!
Finally received my carboy’s that I ordered to collect the 70 litres of this amazing water in last week, and so far I really feel much more alive than ever drinking this water!!
Thank you mother nature.
Thank you
Went there few days ago, got 50 liters of water. Tastes absolutely amazing! I recommend everyone goes there and harvest this beautiful water! and not in plastic bottles pliiiiiz! Met couple of ppl there who were filling up 50 small plastic bottles!!( Yuk.
Awesome to hear! I haven't been back there since March 2010 but looks I'm going back in the next few days – I'm literally dreaming of this water on a daily basis… simply the BEST!
Mo, Do you have email or a website that we can contact you?
I went to one hardware store and found some corks, but they were in these banker boxes full of dirt and looked like they've been there since 1922. When I got them wet, the paper towels they were on turned yellow. I added more water and let them sit on the counter. As the water drained off, there was a pool of yellow water underneath them.
I bought some corks at another hardware store. The price sticker was on the side of the cork where it seals with the bottle. There was something that looked like a piece of celophane around the cork, so I surmised it was just that. However, when I got home, I realized that it was actually celophane tape. When I peeled, the entire side of the cork was full of this sticky crap from the tape. Needless to say, I didn't use them.
How hard can it possibly be to get clean corks?! Anybody have any good cork sources? Thanks, Todd
Drinking pure spring water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Our bodies are over 99% water at the molecular level, so water affects every aspect of our biology. Yet, not all water is created equal. Almost all the bottled spring water available is pasteurized for shelf stability, which neutralizes many of the powerful health benefits such as increased hydrogen, healthy probiotics, and crystalline structure. For more about why unprocessed spring water is the best water to drink, read this.
The best way to guarantee you are getting real unprocessed spring water is to collect it yourself. This is a short and simple guide filled with information about how to gather spring water. We will cover how to find a spring, how to collect the water, how to honor the spring, how to store the water properly and other tips. is the best resource for locating a spring near you. However, not all springs are on the map. First, check the map to see if there is a spring in your local area. If there is, look at the reviews and comments. Has anyone shared helpful information about flow rate or posted a water test result? Is the spring in a pristine area? Do a bit of research and make sure the spring is safe to drink from. If you have any doubt about the purity, don’t risk it and get a water test, HERE. If you don’t see a spring on the map in your area, there still might be some that aren’t listed yet. First, ask the older generation who have lived in your area a long time if they know. You can also ask people in your community who might already get spring water such as people at a health food store or at a farmers market. Another great option is to view A US forest service map, where many springs have been marked. You can view these maps through the Gaia GPS or All Trails hiking apps on your phone. The map overlay you want is USGS Topo. Not all are easily accessible or ideal for drinking, but some are and it can be a fun adventure to find them. We have found over half a dozen great springs this way.
Once you’ve found your spring, figure out how you are going to gather the water. Is it right on the side of the road and easy to access or do you have to hike to it? We recommend storing spring water in glass instead of plastic to preserve the purity of the water. It is better for the environment, your body, and the water. Even BPA free plastic has toxic chemicals that can leach into water and cause health issues. If you do want to use plastic for safety reasons when filling at the spring, we recommend transferring the water to glass as soon as possible. FindASpring is sponsored by Alive Waters, which offers beautiful reusable glass. They have a 2.5 gallon option, which is a convenient size for carrying that isn’t too heavy. They also sell handles that you can use to transport the jugs even more easily. If you have to hike to access the spring, we recommend putting the water jugs into an extra large backpack to hike the water out with ease. We use Osprey packs that hold 2 jugs each. You can also use a wheelbarrow or even a stroller depending on how easy a walk it is.
Filling 2.5 Gallon Alive Waters Jug
When you get to the spring, remember to first give back before you take. Springs are considered sacred in indigenous cultures around the world for their life giving water and also as a connection to the inner earth. A powerful and simple way to give back is to clean up. Is there any trash that needs to be collected? Could you move any dead leaves or sticks to improve the flow rate? Show up in service. Some other wonderful ways to give is with a moment of expressing verbal gratitude, singing songs to the water, offering the water an ethically sourced crystal, a feather, or some other physical gift. Flowers are a popular and beautiful thing to offer, but please be careful to source organic ones as most flowers from the store are sprayed with pesticides and can be toxic to put near a spring. Also, flowers can attract bugs as they decay, so it can be best to offer them to the flowing water directly or a little downstream from the spring head.
When gathering the water, fill the jug as close to the spring head as possible, never gather downstream. Be very careful as wet glass is extremely slippery. Make sure the lid is securely fastened. When transporting the spring water home, the jugs can sometimes slide around the car. Secure them in place or wrap them with towels or something so they don’t crash into each other.
How you store your spring water is essential. It is not pasteurized like spring water from the store, so it will start growing algae if left in direct sunlight. This is good because it means it’s alive! If the water you drink can’t even support the most basic life forms, how do you think it will support your body? Store your water in a cool, dark place such as a dark corner, pantry or closet. The fridge is ideal if you have room. Some people prefer to filter their water through a Berkey filter before drinking, but if the spring is pure, it’s not necessary. We drink our spring water completely unfiltered.
How long the water stays good for depends on how cold a temperature it’s stored at. Spring water is best fresh. We personally do not prefer to drink spring water past 2 weeks old. However, we know other people that will drink it at a month old. It’s great to get in a rhythm where you know how long the water lasts you and put your collection day on the calendar in advance.
I believe that water is calling us to reconnect with her in the deepest way, to gather our own water. Just like our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have fancy water machines. They also didn’t create villages or settle where there was no water. Water was revered as the center of the community and the nodal point around which life could spiral out and take root.
Here’s to restoring the sacred connection with the waters of life.
Written by Dakota Chanel. Water Priestess and Ceremonialist.
Do you have info you'd like to add to the main spring description or perhaps a more accurate gps coordinate?
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Kearney True Natural Spring, Kearney, Ontario
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Has anyone used this source recently? The last post was in 2017. Is it still drinkable?
I am wondering the same.
Yes, still drinkable. Last consumed earlier this year.
Have you ever had it tested? Still drinking regularly? Thanks ??
just over $200 for A FULL ANALYSIS, but there were way cheaper options. i just chose the full.
Just wondering if you plan on going up for some water this summer?
Do you think that a TDS count of 350 is too high?
Let me know!
Is it possible to share the results? Also how often should this water source be retested. Don’t want to catch anything.
some people watch tell-a-vision for 3 hours at a time…..some drive 3 hours for water.
found a great source for 3 gal (11l) carboys, handles and clean corks – Macedo Wines at 30 Ossington, just north of Queen, Toronto 416-537-0416
Should it worry me that everyone that was drinking from this spring and commenting years ago is not responding anymore ? Lol
It’s still in operation and popular. I was last there a few months ago and there were a couple others there filling up. I know some people that drink it exclusively and they’re still alive 🙂
Most GPS/apps won’t lead you to the right spot. But there is now a driveway immediately across from the spring, just park across from the driveway labelled 549 and you’re right there. There’s a bit of an extended shoulder on the road by the spring to park safely.
Went out there this past weekend and was welcomed with a bunch of ice on the hill. This early in the season, I would recommend bringing a bit of sand! I AM a bit skiddish as I broke my ankle last year, but let’s stay safe out there!
A big shout out to the 2 different gentlemen that helped me bring up my water bottles. I’m not sure how long it would have taken me without their help! I love this water community!
I’ve been toying around with a house water filtration system and had the water man check the Kearney Springs (magic) water while he was at our house. I’ve linked the picture of both the magic water (left) and my tap water (right). Of course, the tint is the chemicals he adds in to draw out the gunk, but he said that he’s never seen a natural source as “stellar” as this one.
Let me know if any of your crazy kids think it would be worth it to open a facebook page dedicated to this spring. There are A LOT of us that travel from the GTA and it would be neat to have a resource or potential car pool buddies.
Went to the spring today which is 190 km from us. We thought that we’ll be alone in this weather. No way. 3 cars came to refill while we were filling up our 200 liters. They said that it is always busy there and it’s a very popular place. We love this water. I can submit a photo but not sure how.
Have you found any springs or artesian wells in or near Sudbury, ON? If so, would you share about their quality and locations?
Has anyone been at this spring within the past few months? I live quite a distance away, but if this is the real deal, I’d make the trip!
Do you guys boil this water? I’ve been drinking it for about 2 years and do not boil it, unless making tea/cooking with it. Everything seems fine. I’m just always concerned with contamination. How often should a water source be tested? Is it possible for the water conditions to fluctuate regularly?
Hi Folks, I live in Bolton, Ontario. And thinking of making a trip to fill up on water. Is the spring accessible in the winter? Does it ice up, do I need to bring an ax with me? 🙂
Yes it is accessible in winter. No it won’t ice up no matter how cold it gets. Don’t get to close to the edge of the road, I git stuck last winter. slight sulphur smell, no worries its safe. Just keep the containers open for a bit before closing or keep in glass for a few minutes before drinking.
Hi, Do you plan on making a trip anytime soon?
No, I don’t think a tds of 350 is unsafe. Look at tap water, I believe its much higher than that.
I won’t be going up this summer. its too hard to keep water in warm temps.
does anyone from Hamilton go up to the spring would like to carpool and save on gas
i assume that the fluoride in this water is calcium fluoride. Another thing to not is that the lab report has it at less than 0.05mg/l. So it could be 0.02 or not even there at all.
Thanks for the info!
we normally go to the Belfountain and the tds is around 350. I would love to get a full report like that, how much did it cost?
fluoride:<0.05 of fluoride mg/l
sodium fluoride or silicofluorides, are industrial products never found in natural water or in organisms. They are, furthermore, notoriously toxic, sufficiently so to be used as rat poison or insecticide. Calcium fluoride, on the other hand, which is the form commonly found in natural waters, is not toxic enough for such uses." — Dr. C. G. Dobbs, (Ph.D., A.R.C.S.) Bangor, Wales, England.
I’m in Woodbridge. I’m not sure if i’ll be going anytime soon, because i still have about 3 or 4 weeks or so worth of water.. Right now i’m keeping it in my cellar and garage, but heading into spring its going to be harder to keep cold. Its uncertain if i will be heading back this spring, but for sure fall and winters. I will let you know via this website whether or not i’m heading out this spring.
Great thanks! So what TDS count did you get? Also did the lab test show fluoride in the water.
O.k so i had the analysis done and this what i got:
Zero E.coli, Zero total Coliform.Lead, arsenic,mercury, iron.. all very low, well below ODWS standards. In fact it crushes them. Slight Sulphur smell at spring but the test results indicate extremely low levels. Again meeting ODWS. I did not have the water tested for cyanide, although i wanted to, i wasn’t informed that it was not included with the test- why i don’t know. I thought i had everything covered. I had it tested for almost everything, sodium, fluoride, uranium, calcium… name it. But not cyanide. I’ve been drinking it for 2.5 weeks without problems. Its damn clean. I did my part, now pass it forward…..not pay it, pass it! If anyone has questions, please feel free to post them here and i will definitely try to answer. Enjoy
Awesome!!!thanks so much for posting that, where do you travel from? I would love to carpool with someone. Im in Brampton.
Hi there have you tested the water recently and if so could you share the results
Kindest regards
I was at the spring several days ago, and i smell sulfur, although the odour wasn’t strong. Very clear, but has an astringent effect on the mouth and a tad bitter. My guess its the sulfur. Sulfur can have this effect. I’m in the process of doing a complete analysis…..and i do mean complete. I’m still drinking it, but still notice the faint smell of sulfur in my carboys when first opened.
heading up to kearney this week.
my guess is that some people with ill intentions are spreading propaganda about the safety of this spring and all others. I think this water is safe now and always was.
Hi Razz,
I regularly get my water from the belfountain spring but i never boil it, if you do that then you will just eliminate all the good minerals.
Why are you driving from up to Kearney?
Do you guys boil this water? I’ve been drinking it without boiling it. I don’t know if my body is not used to it, but stomach feels little different when drinking it. Does ones body/stomach need to get use to it or should it be boiled before drinking?
Hi Razz,
I regularly get my water from the belfountain spring but i never boil it, if you do that then you will just eliminate all the good minerals.
Why are you driving from up to Kearney?
I would love to carpool with someone to get some water from this spring. I normally get from the belfountain spring but this one seems way better. I am in Brampton.
Just got some water there today May 11 ’14 the sign said it had been tested May 6th 2014 and results were 0/0 Yay!!!
Just got water from there yesterday. Saw the sign also regarding 0/0 results. ButtBut the post above makes me wonder regarding contaminating. Wish there was a results post feature for the springs here. Perhaps onto google docs. Guess there is no sure way to know if the water is safe. Been drinking it for a day so far.
Tested the water sample taken 03/31. Evidence of bacterial contamination: Total coliform per 100ml: 13 – May be unsafe to drink
I have been visiting this spring for over a year, but when I went yesterday, the water is now cloudy 🙁
I will test through Public Health for eColi and Coliforms, however I suspect the contamination is from road runoff (chemical). I am accepting donations towards a full analysis with C.O.A.L (cost is $141, goal is to raise 50% ). if you love this spring as much as I do, please help me out and send a small donation to
I will post results on this site and post a new sign at the spring site.
Heard about this spring while watching the video for the Puslinch spring, searched it up and we were very pleased to see it is right smack on the route to our cottage! Well lucky for us, we were going to our cottage this week, so we stopped along the way with three 5 gallon aquapacks.
Like others have already said, the water is outstanding. Simply put, it’s amazing. It’s as good as Fiji water (my favourite bottled water) if not better. Our aunt didn’t quite understand why we had brought it to the cottage, and we caught her using it as dish water!! No! So we made another stop on our way home to replenish the wasted water. She also told us that her friend lives literally around the corner and she’s always wondered why the towns water tasted so pure, must be on the same aquifer. Looking forward to stopping at this spring again next time we head up! Refreshing!
Is this spring accessible all year round? What about snow fall? Thinking of going in February. Thanks.
I know this is 8y later, but for anyone else, yes, accessible year round. And I’ve never seen the pipe run dry for decades. The short path down can be icy, so be very careful there. The exact spot to stop and park can be a bit complicated. When I find go in rough weather, I’ll usually leave the car running because I don’t want to risk it not starting up again!
This water is amazing! We just went there to get 140 liters for the winter for my mom who is fighting cancer. She has been drinking it since July after her chemo treatments. It is hard to say if it really helps her to fight cancer, but doctors are very pleased with the result after 3 chemos. So maybe it is a good combination of traditional treatment with treatment by mother Nature. I strongly recommend this water to everyone.
We mention the amazing Kearney spring a lot in this video:
Massimo Rosati
I LOVE THIS SPRING and regularly drive 3 hours from Toronto to collect it. The GPS address is 604 Rochester Lake Road, Perry ON. I just tested this water with C.O.A.L. and the test came back 0 Coliform and 0 E.Coli. I LOVE THIS WATER!!!!
If you ever go here again, could I come with you? I live in Mississauga and I’ll contribute towards fuel costs.
Hello Nishanthi – i go about once a month – going in a few days – please email me:
I just filled up at least 42 L of water from the spring today, it tastes wonderful and ive seen 2 people come and go to fill up while i was there. If one is planning to go during summer i highly recommend some bug protecting clothing like mesh hats and cover all skin cuz they definitely do control the area like Mark Said lol. Im not sure about the most recent testing but a local said it was perfect and they use it as there primary source 🙂
I was at a cottage a week ago and we made a trip up to collect some of this water. Needless to say it was the best water I’ve ever had and I will be returning in the future to collect as much of it as possible. I’m envious of the people right next door who can walk to collect this water if they wanted, what an amazing feeling that must be.
If you plan on spending some time there I strongly suggest bringing some sort of insect repellent (DEET free of course) because the mosquitoes are firmly in control of the area hahaha.
I was just there a week ago and the mosquitos are certainly in control. The water was fantastic. I have never had such spectacular water. Unfortunetely it is so far away 🙁
I’m planning on making a detour to this spring in the next few weeks on my way to Toronto from Sudbury. I usually go by Hwy 69/ 400 but I think if I turn off in Parry Sound or a little past Parry Sound and head for Hwy 11 it shouldn’t be too much of a detour but what i’m wondering is if its in a very desolate area. Does anyone know if there are a lot of homes nearby, what about cell phone signal if i get lost? I’d appreciate any information!
Finally received my carboy’s that I ordered to collect the 70 litres of this amazing water in last week, and so far I really feel much more alive than ever drinking this water!!
Thank you mother nature.
Thank you
Went there few days ago, got 50 liters of water. Tastes absolutely amazing! I recommend everyone goes there and harvest this beautiful water! and not in plastic bottles pliiiiiz! Met couple of ppl there who were filling up 50 small plastic bottles!!( Yuk.
Awesome to hear! I haven't been back there since March 2010 but looks I'm going back in the next few days – I'm literally dreaming of this water on a daily basis… simply the BEST!
Hi Todd,
I get my corks & glass jugs at any wine / beer making supply store ( those brew your own stores ). You can contact me anytime:
Email >
Facebook >
YouTube >
Do you have email or a website that we can contact you?
I went to one hardware store and found some corks, but they were in these banker boxes full of dirt and looked like they've been there since 1922. When I got them wet, the paper towels they were on turned yellow. I added more water and let them sit on the counter. As the water drained off, there was a pool of yellow water underneath them.
I bought some corks at another hardware store. The price sticker was on the side of the cork where it seals with the bottle. There was something that looked like a piece of celophane around the cork, so I surmised it was just that. However, when I got home, I realized that it was actually celophane tape. When I peeled, the entire side of the cork was full of this sticky crap from the tape. Needless to say, I didn't use them.
How hard can it possibly be to get clean corks?! Anybody have any good cork sources?
I was just at this spring yesterday . Some of the best wild water I have had anywhere.