Eric’s Spring, Corbett, OR 97060  4.5/5 (2)

22 people follow this spring.
Category: Oregon, View All

Exact location:,-122.3499024,3a,66.8y,356.19h,73.99t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFXm5q1PCBtAJQ85N-KPtfA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en-US

As you can see, it is right off of the road so that you can drive up to it.  There isn’t a lot of room though and drivers can and do turn into assholes sometimes on a whim.

Pretty low TDS.  I think it was below 100 last time I tested it, also pretty cold I think 8.5c and 7ph.  This is some really good shit!  Ill be sure to go back and get exact measurements when I am not lazy (might be a while).

The guy in the pictures is the one who showed me the spring and is the owner of  I am also going to name the spring after him because I am not sure what its called and he is an amazing person.


  1. It would be more considerate to keep the name the spring has always been known by “The Troutdale Spring”. Yes it’s in Corbett but that’s what it’s been called since…forever.

    BTW, PLEASE make sure you park off the road…there is barely enough room. Some folks are always happy to complain if you don’t…and it’s usually the rangers from the park across the road.

    We purchased two Complete Water Analysis test kits from and will be testing the water the week of 8-13-17. We will post results here and at

  2. Does anybody have a test you done for Lead? Water by my home family detected on a sweet side. Which could be high calcuim with Iron or lead or something else perhaps. Drinking on year about off in one few years

    1. Hi Vlad, someone posted a test from 2017… you just have to scroll down through the comments a bit more – It is a google drive document. It has been nearly 5 years since the water has been tested to my knowledge

    1. Hi Jessica, I noticed this back when it happened too, I have no idea why someone did it but must have had good reason because it was probably a decent amount of work. But the water is still shooting out further up the pipe.

  3. This has been shut down 🙁 This is local for me, and I heard somone dumped massive amounts of gravel causing it to run across the road, so the state closed the tap 🙁

  4. If people could park two to the spring that would help. Often when I show up someone is waiting at the stop sign, and can be very rude if you’re quickly filling a jug before they pull their vehicle up.
    Please be kind to each other. I literally had someone call me an asshole for quickly filling up my jug, and the lady waiting at the stop sign day she would call the police on me. Let’s get rid of this passive aggressive rudeness. I’m not going to wait for you to pull up from the stop sign, when it takes like 30 seconds for me to fill my jug and be on my way with grace.

  5. Stopped by today. Cool, clear and sooo refreshing. Road was extremely busy to use a lot of caution when parking. There is precious little space to park. There were (3) other regulars collecting water when I was there. One mentioned this water was the purest he’d ever tested. I drank about 1/2 gallon today and so far so good!

  6. I checked this out yesterday. This was my first time doing this, and I took 6 gallons. Then a friend told me that taking too much can harm the ecosystem. Does anyone know what the best amount to take is at one time, and how much of a concern this is?

    I was also thrown off by the man-made structure. It made me think this was connected to the sewer system at first. There was a concrete slab, a metal pipe sticking out, and a metal grate beneath it. How can you tell the difference between something that’s just part of the city water system and an actual spring?

    Thank you for any responses.

    1. I also want to know. Always been suspicious that we all fed lead. Or nano technology ? I still drink but seems like not much people shown any detail test results since 2017.. i will use Pry bar maybe one day and open and see whats in the crate..hopefully not chemicals injector system like they have under Fountains.

  7. The only restrooms nearby are the Camping Area across the street (only free in winter time) and the park back across the river on Stark St.

    Make sure you use them before you gather more than a gallon or so. At this particular spring, the large flow of water and the drop height from this pipe have an amazing effect on the human body 🙂

  8. Visited it yesterday, there is a very tight space to park right by the water source. Can’t believe it’s so close to the city of Portland. Can this water quality as good as those in the deep mountain? Water tasted cold and great! Thank you so much for sharing.
    I took some photo to share, let me know how to upload them.

  9. I stafted a group on Telegram called TROUTDALE water rights look it up this bs about water being for cars back in a day is plain bs” its not in found early 1940 post by Oregon mew paper saying high 26 was also designed by engineers to have a safe drinking water. It TROUTDAL e hovering on edge of here but real person that has access to fix this is Corbett emails there mayors and goveners

  10. There is a sign that says Closed for Traffic Safety – Water available 3 %2 miles west on the
    Historic Highway at Lewis & Clark
    Recreation Site. The “water” it’s referring to, I believe, is a spout by the bathrooms. Not comfortable taking unless I test first. Will update if I do!

  11. The local govt has closed this spring due to traffic concerns. I don’t have any additional info but the sign did say there is a water source down the road 3 miles.

  12. I’ve stopped by the spring multiple times in the past 2 months and there’s no water. Anyone know what’s going on? There was a construction crew there but they couldn’t discuss anything.

    OK. Here’s an explanation for you. First off, this is not inside the City of Troutdale, nor did the City have anything to do with it.
    Second: What you are referring to was not a potable water source. It was an old radiator fill station/overflow pipe to help Model T engines keep cool while traveling on the Historic Highway. Here is a statement from the Oregon Department of Transportation:
    “ODOT and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department have decommissioned the reservoir overflow pipe along the Historic Columbia River Highway near Dabney State Recreation Area because of increasing road safety concerns at the site.
    The area has become a danger with motorists stopping, often partially blocking the travel lane, to fill water jugs. The drainage ditch is often blocked by illegal dumping of material and damaged by vehicle traffic, which causes water to overflow onto the highway and creates dangerous driving conditions.
    Oregon Department of Transportation and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department posted signs and shared the pending plan with the Northeast Multnomah County Community Association before decommissioning the overflow, which is located along the north side of the Historic Columbia River Highway near Dabney State Recreation Area, east of the Stark Street Bridge.
    The pipe originally supplied water to cool car radiators at the time of the Historic Highway’s construction over 100 years ago and was one of a handful of similar water access points, most of which have already been decommissioned. The water that supplies the pipe was not intended as drinking water.
    ODOT and OPRD will evaluate the feasibility of creating safer access in the future.
    ODOT has already seen crashes at the site and is taking this step to help ensure there are no more.
    The nearest publicly available free water can be found 3.2 miles north along the Historic Columbia River Highway at Lewis and Clark State Recreation Site.”

  14. My wife and I were blessed and happened to come across this amazing natural Water source. The healing effects of this high quality H20 can be felt almost immediately especially if all you’ve been drinking is distilled. Can’t wait to feel the effects after a couple of weeks . Thank you

How to Collect Spring Water

Drinking pure spring water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Our bodies are over 99% water at the molecular level, so water affects every aspect of our biology. Yet, not all water is created equal. Almost all the bottled spring water available is pasteurized for shelf stability, which neutralizes many of the powerful health benefits such as increased hydrogen, healthy probiotics, and crystalline structure. For more about why unprocessed spring water is the best water to drink, read this.

The best way to guarantee you are getting real unprocessed spring water is to collect it yourself. This is a short and simple guide filled with information about how to gather spring water. We will cover how to find a spring, how to collect the water, how to honor the spring, how to store the water properly and other tips. is the best resource for locating a spring near you. However, not all springs are on the map. First, check the map to see if there is a spring in your local area. If there is, look at the reviews and comments. Has anyone shared helpful information about flow rate or posted a water test result? Is the spring in a pristine area? Do a bit of research and make sure the spring is safe to drink from. If you have any doubt about the purity, don’t risk it and get a water test, HERE. If you don’t see a spring on the map in your area, there still might be some that aren’t listed yet. First, ask the older generation who have lived in your area a long time if they know. You can also ask people in your community who might already get spring water such as people at a health food store or at a farmers market. Another great option is to view A US forest service map, where many springs have been marked. You can view these maps through the Gaia GPS or All Trails hiking apps on your phone. The map overlay you want is USGS Topo. Not all are easily accessible or ideal for drinking, but some are and it can be a fun adventure to find them. We have found over half a dozen great springs this way.

Once you’ve found your spring, figure out how you are going to gather the water. Is it right on the side of the road and easy to access or do you have to hike to it? We recommend storing spring water in glass instead of plastic to preserve the purity of the water. It is better for the environment, your body, and the water. Even BPA free plastic has toxic chemicals that can leach into water and cause health issues. If you do want to use plastic for safety reasons when filling at the spring, we recommend transferring the water to glass as soon as possible. FindASpring is sponsored by Alive Waters, which offers beautiful reusable glass. They have a 2.5 gallon option, which is a convenient size for carrying that isn’t too heavy. They also sell handles that you can use to transport the jugs even more easily. If you have to hike to access the spring, we recommend putting the water jugs into an extra large backpack to hike the water out with ease. We use Osprey packs that hold 2 jugs each. You can also use a wheelbarrow or even a stroller depending on how easy a walk it is.

Filling 2.5 Gallon Alive Waters Jug

When you get to the spring, remember to first give back before you take. Springs are considered sacred in indigenous cultures around the world for their life giving water and also as a connection to the inner earth. A powerful and simple way to give back is to clean up. Is there any trash that needs to be collected? Could you move any dead leaves or sticks to improve the flow rate? Show up in service. Some other wonderful ways to give is with a moment of expressing verbal gratitude, singing songs to the water, offering the water an ethically sourced crystal, a feather, or some other physical gift. Flowers are a popular and beautiful thing to offer, but please be careful to source organic ones as most flowers from the store are sprayed with pesticides and can be toxic to put near a spring. Also, flowers can attract bugs as they decay, so it can be best to offer them to the flowing water directly or a little downstream from the spring head.

When gathering the water, fill the jug as close to the spring head as possible, never gather downstream. Be very careful as wet glass is extremely slippery. Make sure the lid is securely fastened. When transporting the spring water home, the jugs can sometimes slide around the car. Secure them in place or wrap them with towels or something so they don’t crash into each other.

How you store your spring water is essential. It is not pasteurized like spring water from the store, so it will start growing algae if left in direct sunlight. This is good because it means it’s alive! If the water you drink can’t even support the most basic life forms, how do you think it will support your body? Store your water in a cool, dark place such as a dark corner, pantry or closet. The fridge is ideal if you have room. Some people prefer to filter their water through a Berkey filter before drinking, but if the spring is pure, it’s not necessary. We drink our spring water completely unfiltered.

How long the water stays good for depends on how cold a temperature it’s stored at. Spring water is best fresh. We personally do not prefer to drink spring water past 2 weeks old. However, we know other people that will drink it at a month old. It’s great to get in a rhythm where you know how long the water lasts you and put your collection day on the calendar in advance.

I believe that water is calling us to reconnect with her in the deepest way, to gather our own water. Just like our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have fancy water machines. They also didn’t create villages or settle where there was no water. Water was revered as the center of the community and the nodal point around which life could spiral out and take root.

Here’s to restoring the sacred connection with the waters of life.

CLOSED as of 9/14/2023 Cut off the flow of water

Pipes were cut off, concreted up, and redirected flow…the access was completely removed. I will research more on this, as there are many families who have used this as a clean, pure source of water for many years and this is criminal to block the flow of fresh water and shut this off completely.

Spring has been removed

I went today 10/8/23…have been coming here for spring water for years. The spring was removed. I could hear it but went after sunset so wasn’t able to investigate because it was too dark. I think it’s been about 2 months since I’ve last gone. Very sad news and I hope we can get it back. The spring water helps my kidneys.

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