I used to go there in the early 60’s with both of my sets of grandparents. It was the only water they ever drank. Tap water was for laundry and toilets they used to say. I miss those days.
Bud, OK I think everyone knows my name is not really Alex Caisse and that I'm just “channeling” him in the name of his park named after him. I'm actually honoring him versus anything else. So if your upset that I used your relative's name on the internet… well its the INTERNET. Please get over it. I'll use a different name from now on. Je suis vraiment desole…
I heard there was a national news story recently on the big push to get people to get back to tap water and away from plastic bottles. Why? Because the bottles are supposed to have a bad chemical in the lining. But why springs? One tap water company official said that the mineral load on your kidney's from springs is bad for you. How much bad for your brain is Sodium Fluoride and Chlorine added to our tap water? The American Dental Association (who the tap water people always quote) says NEVER swallow toothpaste! Why? Because the Fluoride causes brain damage. Ever wonder why gramps has Alzhiemer's? Yup its the tap water. Sodium Fluoride is a aluminum byproduct and aluminum is the Dr. proven culprit in Alzheimer's – duh!!!
I heard there was a national news story recently on the big push to get people to get back to tap water and away from plastic bottles. Why? Because the bottles are supposed to have a bad chemical in the lining. But why springs? One tap water company official said that the mineral load on your kidney's from springs is bad for you. How much bad for your brain is Sodium Fluoride and Chlorine added to our tap water? The American Dental Association (who the tap water people always quote) says NEVER swallow toothpaste! Why? Because the Fluoride causes brain damage. Ever wonder why gramps has Alzhiemer's? Yup its the tap water. Sodium Fluoride is a aluminum byproduct and aluminum is the Dr. proven culprit in Alzheimer's – duh!!!
This is rich! Its October 18, 2009. Just a few days ago someone removed the little jersey barrier and the cleaning sign. I refilled my jugs quickly. Lo and Behold the contraption and sign are BACK up again!!! What is going on here? Did “they” read this posting and then get belligerent and retaliate? Come on people someone call the mayor of Willimantic and complain! This is just stupid.
The only other FREE spring is in Canton CT deep in the woods. But it seems unsanitary the way it fills a plastic tank. There is one in Higganum but it is covered up as it was part of a failed business. The one in Meriden is not free but very cheap. The one in New London is part of a business. There is one in Waterbury hidden behind a Portuguese Catholic Church on South Main St but don't know access rights. The pipe is open 7 x 24. There are more in MA and RI but that's a very long ride…
I found one in Scotland CT area today off Route 14 called Mohegan Springs but not sure what it is and even if its accessible. Looks like a dirty pond to me. Needs further investigating.
The water is treated with chlorine!!! This is for real. I lived up in Willamantic for a few months and filled up there a few times. After settled for a day you could smell it and taste it. I rented to someone who actually had it tested and came back positive for chlorine. It is now treated so as to protect the local government or whatever.. don’t drink the shit
Oh…they did some construction recently…now there is a berm they built up on the hill to the southwest….where they supposedly prevent germs from entering the spring after rainstorms.
Why did they put a toxic lead pipe on this spring? it was fine…until they “fixed” it. Put the sign back on the wall that says it is a FREE spring…the next generation will be charged money for the water…just watch.
I have just come from this spring. I was not alone while getting my bottles filled… There was two other people there.
The water tastes a lot like the iceicles we used to eat when I was a kid…
I have been very excited and interested in finding a spring to go but
unfortunately I have yet to find one in CT that hasn’t either been
closed or contains peoples comments that scare me away.One of my favorites is the comment stating that one of the springs is really just a pipe hooked up to a local cow pond! WTF!?
I haven’t even been able to find any clean or open springs in the surrounding states either, based on this database.
My goal in doing this is for improved health, as I would imagine is
everyone’s reason for doing this, so I would like to know that the water
that I am drinking is actually healthy.
Does anyone know of a spring that is truly clean and safe to drink from around here?
The bastards close it last week (July 2011), they covered the fountain with a concrete block and put a big blue sign with a lame excuse saying that it was closed due to the properties of the water.
Wont be for long. They must have found some eColi bacteria in the water again from seepage from old rotting leaves around the spring house after raining. They let the spring run a few days to wash away the germs. If you want to help out, clear away any debris like trash, leaves, etc. from around the spring.
There is a paid spring in Meriden at Mountain Spring Water, 1286 East Main Street, Meriden CT (800-432-4426). Only cost 25 cents a gallon if you bring your own clean bottle.
Yes good idea on cleaning the debris, but honestly spring water, given from nature herself, should be free! let’s make this happen!!! Why would you support paying for it? Why not make it volunteer efforts a NON-Profit to sustain the source.
Its interesting to see everyone discussing flouride….and the potential problems.
Yet…nobody seems to notice that the pipe that delivers the water…is pure solid LED!
Not sure about that. Lead drinking water pipes have been banned in USA for some time now. The pipe your talking about is either stainless steel, iron, or copper. I agree however that they should convert it to PVC plastic for public safety reasons. Call Town of Windham and verify that. Call Cindy Deveny 860-465-3086 (7:00am to 3:00pm, Mon–Fri) or Email: cdeveny@windhamct.com
Jim Hooper is there too. He is ideally responsible for shutting down the Park Spring spring for routine maintenance every time his water testing contractor says eColi is present in the water testing. There is no fluoride in it. However, sodium fluoride IS present in Windham County water as it is PUT in there by Jim’s department for dental health per ADA studies. Since when did the ADA ever say to D-R-I-N-K fluoride for your teeth? Yes its in toothpaste but you SPIT it out, right? How does drinking water ever touch your teeth going down? Think about it. What would be ANOTHER financial reason to dump Na-F in your drinking water? Hmmmm…
If it does touch your teeth, and it does actually protect our teeth (as the ADA studies may say) then it’s most likely a ploy to keep all our sugar addictions and sugar suppliers in business. Sugar rots the teeth.. coca cola and every non-food we consume keeps us coming back for more. We are self loathing sugar fiending consumer addicts ruled by debt through mindless complacency, plain and simple.
Yes I was just there Sunday June 2nd 2010 around 4PM and it is busy. Just go to the Windham Town web site. Look in the left margin near the bottom and click on Park Spring. It will tell you if its open or closed.
OK upon doing some “in depth” research, this time, I must correct a few things I said earlier:
1) Alex Caisse was the superintendent of streets. owned this tract at 620 Jackson (aka Park Springs and Whitemore Park) and he donated the park to the town.
2) The soda factory I mentioned MAY have been before Alex's time. I may be confusing it with an older version of Hosmer Soda Factory which is still in business today in Willimantic. I thought I read this on an old plaque at Alex Caisse park decades ago. More details would be appreciated by others…
3) James Hooper (Mansfield Water Dept) does routine tests of the Park Spring water and does it as a favor to the town. When they discover high levels of coliform bacteria they close it down for chlorine cleaning of the spigot and pipes.
Coliform is not dangerous unless its the e Coli version found in feces. The kind they are finding comes from rotting organic material in rainwater seeping into the spring house. However, they supposedly fixed that problem back in 1999. All springs everywhere have coliform bacteria to some level. However, the CT DEP would have the trigger level for cleaning at a very low level causing these new cleanings. It may be due to the recent rains we've had.
So in conclusion, I may have cast some negative aspersions on certain people about blocking spring water sources for nefarious purposes. It may well be a funding issue and a constant coliform alert from the water testing company they use. In any case they should be forthright and just tell us what's going on and stop this “do as I say” attitude because they do work for us the tax payers of CT.
There was an interesting article about this in the Hartford Courant dated: Dec 29, 1999 “POPULAR SPRING OPEN AGAIN BACTERIA IN WATER CAUSED CLOSING ” by Lee Foster. You can look it up here: http://tinyurl.com/2cy7ej
You're right Effie… I got water the other day and it is NOT contaminated or dirty in any way. Needs no cleaning. They put the permanent barrier BACK up Friday I think. Someone needs to contact the Willimantic (Windham) mayor on this. The web site is UNCLEAR!
My husband and I have gotten our drinking and cooking water from this spring for several years now. The water is absolutely delicious and the springs are a local treasure. I've been highly suspicious of the town's motives in closing off this natural FREE spring — I was very interested to learn the history of the spring that “Alex Caisse” posted above. I think the town should post a more detailed description of WHY they have closed the spring and HOW LONG it will be closed on their WEB SITE. The fact that it is allegedly closed for “cleaning” but there have been no obvious signs of any cleaning going on, plus the fact that a permanent barrier has been erected barring access to the springs, are EXTREMELY suspicious. Luckily this site has provided a forum for people to express their unease over this situation and to compare notes and hopefully something or someone can do something about reopening the public access to the spring.
People of Connecticut for good water! Please contact this man from the water commision and tell him the following: 1) The recent reservoir project under US Army Corp of Engineers and CT DEP have NOTHING to do with the aqufier under Alex Caisse Spring.
2) The recent Jackson street hydrant flushing does NOT even touch the Spring.
3) Ask him to show due cause from DEP to close down the spring for cleaning. And why is there no VISIBLE effort to actually do the cleaning except erect a sign and put a piece of a 1/4 ton concrete jersey barrier like device over the spring's output.
4) Tell him to remove the barrier or their will be a grass roots movement to have his action be investigated along wit reopening the sodium flouride over doping incident in Storrs/Mansfield.
That may open old wounds but it may put highlight on possible kick backs which CT is KNOWN for throughout the other 49 states of America. We are arguably the most corrupt state in America barring Louisiana, Florida, and Illinois (of course). ——————————– James Hooper 174 Storrs Road Mansfield Center, CT 06250 860-465-3086 cdeveny@charterinternet.net http://www.windhamct.com/department.htm?id=5sts…
Mr. Caisse was the first American to market Sarsaparilla Soda Pop to USA back in the 19th century. He used this spring to do it. He erected the factory right over it. Before he died he donated it to the town with the explicit instructions that he water be free to the public indefinitely. The spring house has been a source of spring water to the CT public for many decades. The only others in the 100 mile radius are NOT free or otherwise put out of business by competition or greedy water commissioners. I'm concerned that this so-called cleaning gambit is an effort to do just that. Stop the flow of free spring water due to pressure on town officials by competitive local water entities. The State of CT DEP already 'read' Mansfield 'the riot act' for overdosing their system with too much sodium fluoride. Isn't that poison? THEY say the ADA (Amer. Dental Assoc) says its good for your teeth. No they don't and never did. They say NEVER swallow it. Just use small amounts ON your teeth to kill tartar germs then spit it out. Fluoride is a toxic waste byproduct of aluminum manufacturing. Unscrupulous CT water management types take kick backs from sodium fluoride disposal companies to dump it into their CT reservoir systems to dispose if it through your drain and your body. It has been known (recently) to cause Alzheimer's. Alex Caisse spring was our only place to get fluoride and chlorine (poision) free water. Somebody in govt. just find out that they don't like that any more. So we the people have to now dance to their unscrupulous tune! We need to take our spring back and tell town government to BACK off. What possible “cleaning” does a natural spring need? The constant flow of germ free water helps sanitize the metal pipes used at the cap-off point for over a century. Their is NO cryptosporidium, copapods, nor rotifiers. People you are being lied to and duped. Take back your spring and stop being fooled by arguably unscrupulous CT crooks. Tell them to show due cause by CT DEP to close down a spring that has NO civil liability risk to he town and people use the water at their own risk. And after a century NO ONE has ever gotten sick from it. Why now???
I have long used this spring water, for more than 20 years. I visit and visit, and wait and wait for it to be open again. If the cleaning takes long, I think, the town should put a notice telling how long it will take and a phone number to be referred to. Tolland
Today is 9/25/09. According to the Windham town website, beginning 9/10/09 Alex Caisse Spring will be closed for cleaning and maintenance until further notice. I've been using this spring for many years and cleaning normally takes only 2-3 days. I was there yesterday and it is still closed. This appears to be a maintenance issue and may be a long closure if money is not available. You can go to the town website to check for any updates: http://www.windhamct.com/ Look under “Notices” in the left hand column.
I visited this spring yesterday with my bottles. It was my first adventure to get my own water right from the earth, which sounds so spectacular. But it's a just a dorky-looking fountain on the side of the road with a bunch of plastic jugs lying around. I find it funny that such a powerful source of health looks this way. (I will refrain from making any cultural judgments about our priorities and just get my water there) It's delicious water!!!! Hallelujah for this website and for CT locations. Next stop – Meriden.
Drinking pure spring water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Our bodies are over 99% water at the molecular level, so water affects every aspect of our biology. Yet, not all water is created equal. Almost all the bottled spring water available is pasteurized for shelf stability, which neutralizes many of the powerful health benefits such as increased hydrogen, healthy probiotics, and crystalline structure. For more about why unprocessed spring water is the best water to drink, read this.
The best way to guarantee you are getting real unprocessed spring water is to collect it yourself. This is a short and simple guide filled with information about how to gather spring water. We will cover how to find a spring, how to collect the water, how to honor the spring, how to store the water properly and other tips.
FindASpring.org is the best resource for locating a spring near you. However, not all springs are on the map. First, check the map to see if there is a spring in your local area. If there is, look at the reviews and comments. Has anyone shared helpful information about flow rate or posted a water test result? Is the spring in a pristine area? Do a bit of research and make sure the spring is safe to drink from. If you have any doubt about the purity, don’t risk it and get a water test, HERE. If you don’t see a spring on the map in your area, there still might be some that aren’t listed yet. First, ask the older generation who have lived in your area a long time if they know. You can also ask people in your community who might already get spring water such as people at a health food store or at a farmers market. Another great option is to view A US forest service map, where many springs have been marked. You can view these maps through the Gaia GPS or All Trails hiking apps on your phone. The map overlay you want is USGS Topo. Not all are easily accessible or ideal for drinking, but some are and it can be a fun adventure to find them. We have found over half a dozen great springs this way.
Once you’ve found your spring, figure out how you are going to gather the water. Is it right on the side of the road and easy to access or do you have to hike to it? We recommend storing spring water in glass instead of plastic to preserve the purity of the water. It is better for the environment, your body, and the water. Even BPA free plastic has toxic chemicals that can leach into water and cause health issues. If you do want to use plastic for safety reasons when filling at the spring, we recommend transferring the water to glass as soon as possible. FindASpring is sponsored by Alive Waters, which offers beautiful reusable glass. They have a 2.5 gallon option, which is a convenient size for carrying that isn’t too heavy. They also sell handles that you can use to transport the jugs even more easily. If you have to hike to access the spring, we recommend putting the water jugs into an extra large backpack to hike the water out with ease. We use Osprey packs that hold 2 jugs each. You can also use a wheelbarrow or even a stroller depending on how easy a walk it is.
Filling 2.5 Gallon Alive Waters Jug
When you get to the spring, remember to first give back before you take. Springs are considered sacred in indigenous cultures around the world for their life giving water and also as a connection to the inner earth. A powerful and simple way to give back is to clean up. Is there any trash that needs to be collected? Could you move any dead leaves or sticks to improve the flow rate? Show up in service. Some other wonderful ways to give is with a moment of expressing verbal gratitude, singing songs to the water, offering the water an ethically sourced crystal, a feather, or some other physical gift. Flowers are a popular and beautiful thing to offer, but please be careful to source organic ones as most flowers from the store are sprayed with pesticides and can be toxic to put near a spring. Also, flowers can attract bugs as they decay, so it can be best to offer them to the flowing water directly or a little downstream from the spring head.
When gathering the water, fill the jug as close to the spring head as possible, never gather downstream. Be very careful as wet glass is extremely slippery. Make sure the lid is securely fastened. When transporting the spring water home, the jugs can sometimes slide around the car. Secure them in place or wrap them with towels or something so they don’t crash into each other.
How you store your spring water is essential. It is not pasteurized like spring water from the store, so it will start growing algae if left in direct sunlight. This is good because it means it’s alive! If the water you drink can’t even support the most basic life forms, how do you think it will support your body? Store your water in a cool, dark place such as a dark corner, pantry or closet. The fridge is ideal if you have room. Some people prefer to filter their water through a Berkey filter before drinking, but if the spring is pure, it’s not necessary. We drink our spring water completely unfiltered.
How long the water stays good for depends on how cold a temperature it’s stored at. Spring water is best fresh. We personally do not prefer to drink spring water past 2 weeks old. However, we know other people that will drink it at a month old. It’s great to get in a rhythm where you know how long the water lasts you and put your collection day on the calendar in advance.
I believe that water is calling us to reconnect with her in the deepest way, to gather our own water. Just like our ancestors did. Our ancestors didn’t have fancy water machines. They also didn’t create villages or settle where there was no water. Water was revered as the center of the community and the nodal point around which life could spiral out and take root.
Here’s to restoring the sacred connection with the waters of life.
Written by Dakota Chanel. Water Priestess and Ceremonialist. DakotaChanel.com
Do you have info you'd like to add to the main spring description or perhaps a more accurate gps coordinate?
Please start by making a comment on this spring's page with any additional info, or something that you feel should be changed to reflect more accurate data. After your comment is liked by enough community members, this will validate the improved information.
Please notify us if an update with enough likes hasn't been updated in the description yet.
Alex Caisse Springs, Willimantic, CT
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I used to go there in the early 60’s with both of my sets of grandparents. It was the only water they ever drank. Tap water was for laundry and toilets they used to say. I miss those days.
OK I think everyone knows my name is not really Alex Caisse and that I'm just “channeling” him in the name of his park named after him. I'm actually honoring him versus anything else. So if your upset that I used your relative's name on the internet… well its the INTERNET. Please get over it. I'll use a different name from now on. Je suis vraiment desole…
I heard there was a national news story recently on the big push to get people to get back to tap water and away from plastic bottles. Why? Because the bottles are supposed to have a bad chemical in the lining. But why springs? One tap water company official said that the mineral load on your kidney's from springs is bad for you. How much bad for your brain is Sodium Fluoride and Chlorine added to our tap water? The American Dental Association (who the tap water people always quote) says NEVER swallow toothpaste! Why? Because the Fluoride causes brain damage. Ever wonder why gramps has Alzhiemer's? Yup its the tap water. Sodium Fluoride is a aluminum byproduct and aluminum is the Dr. proven culprit in Alzheimer's – duh!!!
I heard there was a national news story recently on the big push to get people to get back to tap water and away from plastic bottles. Why? Because the bottles are supposed to have a bad chemical in the lining. But why springs? One tap water company official said that the mineral load on your kidney's from springs is bad for you. How much bad for your brain is Sodium Fluoride and Chlorine added to our tap water? The American Dental Association (who the tap water people always quote) says NEVER swallow toothpaste! Why? Because the Fluoride causes brain damage. Ever wonder why gramps has Alzhiemer's? Yup its the tap water. Sodium Fluoride is a aluminum byproduct and aluminum is the Dr. proven culprit in Alzheimer's – duh!!!
This is rich! Its October 18, 2009. Just a few days ago someone removed the little jersey barrier and the cleaning sign. I refilled my jugs quickly. Lo and Behold the contraption and sign are BACK up again!!! What is going on here? Did “they” read this posting and then get belligerent and retaliate? Come on people someone call the mayor of Willimantic and complain! This is just stupid.
The only other FREE spring is in Canton CT deep in the woods. But it seems unsanitary the way it fills a plastic tank. There is one in Higganum but it is covered up as it was part of a failed business. The one in Meriden is not free but very cheap. The one in New London is part of a business. There is one in Waterbury hidden behind a Portuguese Catholic Church on South Main St but don't know access rights. The pipe is open 7 x 24. There are more in MA and RI but that's a very long ride…
I found one in Scotland CT area today off Route 14 called Mohegan Springs but not sure what it is and even if its accessible. Looks like a dirty pond to me. Needs further investigating.
Alex C.
I was there 12/30/24, people were filling bottles.
When will the spring be open again? It’s been closed for a while.
I wish the “water priestess,” aka Dakota the charlatan, would do something to open this spring…
The water is treated with chlorine!!! This is for real. I lived up in Willamantic for a few months and filled up there a few times. After settled for a day you could smell it and taste it. I rented to someone who actually had it tested and came back positive for chlorine. It is now treated so as to protect the local government or whatever.. don’t drink the shit
Oh…they did some construction recently…now there is a berm they built up on the hill to the southwest….where they supposedly prevent germs from entering the spring after rainstorms.
Why did they put a toxic lead pipe on this spring? it was fine…until they “fixed” it. Put the sign back on the wall that says it is a FREE spring…the next generation will be charged money for the water…just watch.
I have just come from this spring. I was not alone while getting my bottles filled… There was two other people there.
The water tastes a lot like the iceicles we used to eat when I was a kid…
^ In the website I listed above, the information about the spring is at the very bottom of the page.
I guess this is where you can check whether the spring is open or not: http://www.windhamct.com/resources.htm?m=links
According to this, as of 09/20/2013, the spring is OPEN.
Is this spring currently open? Would someone be able to link me to the spring info on the town website? I tried looking but couldn’t find it
Is the spring still open? Last post was like 3 years ago..
I have been very excited and interested in finding a spring to go but
unfortunately I have yet to find one in CT that hasn’t either been
closed or contains peoples comments that scare me away.One of my favorites is the comment stating that one of the springs is really just a pipe hooked up to a local cow pond! WTF!?
I haven’t even been able to find any clean or open springs in the surrounding states either, based on this database.
My goal in doing this is for improved health, as I would imagine is
everyone’s reason for doing this, so I would like to know that the water
that I am drinking is actually healthy.
Does anyone know of a spring that is truly clean and safe to drink from around here?
The bastards close it last week (July 2011), they covered the fountain with a concrete block and put a big blue sign with a lame excuse saying that it was closed due to the properties of the water.
Wont be for long. They must have found some eColi bacteria in the water again from seepage from old rotting leaves around the spring house after raining. They let the spring run a few days to wash away the germs. If you want to help out, clear away any debris like trash, leaves, etc. from around the spring.
There is a paid spring in Meriden at Mountain Spring Water, 1286 East Main Street, Meriden CT (800-432-4426). Only cost 25 cents a gallon if you bring your own clean bottle.
Yes good idea on cleaning the debris, but honestly spring water, given from nature herself, should be free! let’s make this happen!!! Why would you support paying for it? Why not make it volunteer efforts a NON-Profit to sustain the source.
No one has commented in 3 years, so here goes. I get water from here. It’s a nice little park and spring, stop by and visit if you’re in the area
Its interesting to see everyone discussing flouride….and the potential problems.
Yet…nobody seems to notice that the pipe that delivers the water…is pure solid LED!
Not sure about that. Lead drinking water pipes have been banned in USA for some time now. The pipe your talking about is either stainless steel, iron, or copper. I agree however that they should convert it to PVC plastic for public safety reasons. Call Town of Windham and verify that. Call Cindy Deveny 860-465-3086 (7:00am to 3:00pm, Mon–Fri) or Email: cdeveny@windhamct.com
Jim Hooper is there too. He is ideally responsible for shutting down the Park Spring spring for routine maintenance every time his water testing contractor says eColi is present in the water testing. There is no fluoride in it. However, sodium fluoride IS present in Windham County water as it is PUT in there by Jim’s department for dental health per ADA studies. Since when did the ADA ever say to D-R-I-N-K fluoride for your teeth? Yes its in toothpaste but you SPIT it out, right? How does drinking water ever touch your teeth going down? Think about it. What would be ANOTHER financial reason to dump Na-F in your drinking water? Hmmmm…
If it does touch your teeth, and it does actually protect our teeth (as the ADA studies may say) then it’s most likely a ploy to keep all our sugar addictions and sugar suppliers in business. Sugar rots the teeth.. coca cola and every non-food we consume keeps us coming back for more. We are self loathing sugar fiending consumer addicts ruled by debt through mindless complacency, plain and simple.
Pls contact me: Bud Caisse caisse-misc@usa.net
Thanks for the info
Yes I was just there Sunday June 2nd 2010 around 4PM and it is busy. Just go to the Windham Town web site. Look in the left margin near the bottom and click on Park Spring. It will tell you if its open or closed.
Can someone please tell me if it has been opened up yet.
OK upon doing some “in depth” research, this time, I must correct a few things I said earlier:
1) Alex Caisse was the superintendent of streets. owned this tract at 620 Jackson (aka Park Springs and Whitemore Park) and he donated the park to the town.
2) The soda factory I mentioned MAY have been before Alex's time. I may be confusing it with an older version of Hosmer Soda Factory which is still in business today in Willimantic. I thought I read this on an old plaque at Alex Caisse park decades ago. More details would be appreciated by others…
3) James Hooper (Mansfield Water Dept) does routine tests of the Park Spring water and does it as a favor to the town. When they discover high levels of coliform bacteria they close it down for chlorine cleaning of the spigot and pipes.
Coliform is not dangerous unless its the e Coli version found in feces. The kind they are finding comes from rotting organic material in rainwater seeping into the spring house. However, they supposedly fixed that problem back in 1999. All springs everywhere have coliform bacteria to some level. However, the CT DEP would have the trigger level for cleaning at a very low level causing these new cleanings. It may be due to the recent rains we've had.
So in conclusion, I may have cast some negative aspersions on certain people about blocking spring water sources for nefarious purposes. It may well be a funding issue and a constant coliform alert from the water testing company they use. In any case they should be forthright and just tell us what's going on and stop this “do as I say” attitude because they do work for us the tax payers of CT.
There was an interesting article about this in the Hartford Courant dated: Dec 29, 1999
“POPULAR SPRING OPEN AGAIN BACTERIA IN WATER CAUSED CLOSING ” by Lee Foster. You can look it up here: http://tinyurl.com/2cy7ej
You're right Effie… I got water the other day and it is NOT contaminated or dirty in any way. Needs no cleaning. They put the permanent barrier BACK up Friday I think. Someone needs to contact the Willimantic (Windham) mayor on this. The web site is UNCLEAR!
Alex C
My husband and I have gotten our drinking and cooking water from this spring for several years now. The water is absolutely delicious and the springs are a local treasure. I've been highly suspicious of the town's motives in closing off this natural FREE spring — I was very interested to learn the history of the spring that “Alex Caisse” posted above. I think the town should post a more detailed description of WHY they have closed the spring and HOW LONG it will be closed on their WEB SITE. The fact that it is allegedly closed for “cleaning” but there have been no obvious signs of any cleaning going on, plus the fact that a permanent barrier has been erected barring access to the springs, are EXTREMELY suspicious. Luckily this site has provided a forum for people to express their unease over this situation and to compare notes and hopefully something or someone can do something about reopening the public access to the spring.
People of Connecticut for good water!
Please contact this man from the water commision and tell him the following:
1) The recent reservoir project under US Army Corp of Engineers and CT DEP have NOTHING to do with the aqufier under Alex Caisse Spring.
2) The recent Jackson street hydrant flushing does NOT even touch the Spring.
3) Ask him to show due cause from DEP to close down the spring for cleaning. And why is there no VISIBLE effort to actually do the cleaning except erect a sign and put a piece of a 1/4 ton concrete jersey barrier like device over the spring's output.
4) Tell him to remove the barrier or their will be a grass roots movement to have his action be investigated along wit reopening the sodium flouride over doping incident in Storrs/Mansfield.
That may open old wounds but it may put highlight on possible kick backs which CT is KNOWN for throughout the other 49 states of America. We are arguably the most corrupt state in America barring Louisiana, Florida, and Illinois (of course).
James Hooper
174 Storrs Road
Mansfield Center, CT 06250
Wondered why I felt so ‘at home,’ here in Connecticut; I’m from Louisiana, originally! Yea, fast Eddie…!
Mr. Caisse was the first American to market Sarsaparilla Soda Pop to USA back in the 19th century. He used this spring to do it. He erected the factory right over it. Before he died he donated it to the town with the explicit instructions that he water be free to the public indefinitely. The spring house has been a source of spring water to the CT public for many decades. The only others in the 100 mile radius are NOT free or otherwise put out of business by competition or greedy water commissioners. I'm concerned that this so-called cleaning gambit is an effort to do just that. Stop the flow of free spring water due to pressure on town officials by competitive local water entities. The State of CT DEP already 'read' Mansfield 'the riot act' for overdosing their system with too much sodium fluoride. Isn't that poison? THEY say the ADA (Amer. Dental Assoc) says its good for your teeth. No they don't and never did. They say NEVER swallow it. Just use small amounts ON your teeth to kill tartar germs then spit it out. Fluoride is a toxic waste byproduct of aluminum manufacturing. Unscrupulous CT water management types take kick backs from sodium fluoride disposal companies to dump it into their CT reservoir systems to dispose if it through your drain and your body. It has been known (recently) to cause Alzheimer's. Alex Caisse spring was our only place to get fluoride and chlorine (poision) free water. Somebody in govt. just find out that they don't like that any more. So we the people have to now dance to their unscrupulous tune! We need to take our spring back and tell town government to BACK off. What possible “cleaning” does a natural spring need? The constant flow of germ free water helps sanitize the metal pipes used at the cap-off point for over a century. Their is NO cryptosporidium, copapods, nor rotifiers. People you are being lied to and duped. Take back your spring and stop being fooled by arguably unscrupulous CT crooks. Tell them to show due cause by CT DEP to close down a spring that has NO civil liability risk to he town and people use the water at their own risk. And after a century NO ONE has ever gotten sick from it. Why now???
I have long used this spring water, for more than 20 years. I visit and visit, and wait and wait for it to be open again. If the cleaning takes long, I think, the town should put a notice telling how long it will take and a phone number to be referred to. Tolland
Today is 9/25/09. According to the Windham town website, beginning 9/10/09 Alex Caisse Spring will be closed for cleaning and maintenance until further notice. I've been using this spring for many years and cleaning normally takes only 2-3 days. I was there yesterday and it is still closed. This appears to be a maintenance issue and may be a long closure if money is not available. You can go to the town website to check for any updates: http://www.windhamct.com/ Look under “Notices” in the left hand column.
I visited this spring yesterday with my bottles. It was my first adventure to get my own water right from the earth, which sounds so spectacular. But it's a just a dorky-looking fountain on the side of the road with a bunch of plastic jugs lying around. I find it funny that such a powerful source of health looks this way. (I will refrain from making any cultural judgments about our priorities and just get my water there) It's delicious water!!!! Hallelujah for this website and for CT locations. Next stop – Meriden.
THE 3rd.